In the manga and anime series Naruto, Minato Namikaze also known as the Fourth Hokage (Yondaime Hokage) aka Yondaime, is a ninja who has sealed the nine-tailed demon fox into the body of his son, Naruto Uzumaki. After doing the sealing and convince people not to assume that Naruto as a monster but as a hero, Minato died from side effects of these moves. Minato described very similar to his son, and they have a number of relationships and equations. Minato genin with two unidentified men was a student of Jiraiya. He is also a teacher of Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, and Rin. Minato Namikaze had a wife named Kushina Uzumaki and a son named Naruto. Name Naruto followed his mother's surname, ie "Uzumaki".
One of the greatest ninja of Konohagakure has produced teachers who named Jiraiya (One of the three legends shanin, and also a teacher of Naruto), and the disciple named Kakashi Hatake (Naruto's mentor teacher when school ninja), Obito Uchiha, and Rin! 4th Hokage has a particular stance, which called Rasengan (who later mastered jutsu Naruto, when Jiraiya taught), Kage Bunshin no jutsu, and the Summoning no jutsu seals are four symbols! Namikaze Minato is a fairly natural bekat has rarely possessed by all people!, He created some of the moves like Hiraishin No Jutsu (jutsu that can make it arrive quickly at any location, using a special seal, or jutsu-shiki), by incorporating into the seal a kunai or an enemy, Minato can move to the location of the seal without attracting attention. This ability earned him the title as "Konoha's Yellow Flash" or The Yellow Flash of Konoha.
Here the Minato Namikaze coolpics wallpaper
You're reading an article in, With the title Minato Namikaze coolpics wallpaper And links on this page is Minato Namikaze coolpics wallpaper.
One of the greatest ninja of Konohagakure has produced teachers who named Jiraiya (One of the three legends shanin, and also a teacher of Naruto), and the disciple named Kakashi Hatake (Naruto's mentor teacher when school ninja), Obito Uchiha, and Rin! 4th Hokage has a particular stance, which called Rasengan (who later mastered jutsu Naruto, when Jiraiya taught), Kage Bunshin no jutsu, and the Summoning no jutsu seals are four symbols! Namikaze Minato is a fairly natural bekat has rarely possessed by all people!, He created some of the moves like Hiraishin No Jutsu (jutsu that can make it arrive quickly at any location, using a special seal, or jutsu-shiki), by incorporating into the seal a kunai or an enemy, Minato can move to the location of the seal without attracting attention. This ability earned him the title as "Konoha's Yellow Flash" or The Yellow Flash of Konoha.
Here the Minato Namikaze coolpics wallpaper
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